
Monday, August 04, 2003

Modernity, Globalization and Iran

Iran has one of the youngest societies in the world. Even though modernity, globalization are western concept, it is necessary that people in the east especially in the middle east know more about them. I think that modern life comes after modern thought. Unfortunately, this important issue still is not a common topic and it is mostly discussed in the academic level. It seems there is not any public awareness in Iran. For me as an Iranian who has recently come to the west, it is quite interesting and I have realized that I know almost nothing about Globalization. Last week, I met with Dr Ata Hoodashtian in Nikahang Kowsar exhibition. He graduated from Sorbonne in Philosophy and has PhD in political science. I believe it is a great opportunity for Iranian community in Montreal to learn more about political philosophy. He kindly gave me permission to put one of his speeches in the weblog. This speech is about Modernity, Globalization and Iran. Please click here. It is in Persian!
(posted by Iman)

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